Radical economic transformation can best be explained by a simple example.  The large bluegum tree outside your window is only worth the shade that it provides if it stays there.  It gets value when chopped up into braai pack sizes and placed near a market.  Any wood from this tree that is not cut to size or left behind is waste.  Any person, of any colour, race, religion is subject to these same rules.  Do it well and you create maximum value.  Do it badly, and you make less value.  This is where value comes from, doing it right.

If we force good wood cutters out of the game or give the axe to a lazy relative with no desire to be a lumberjack, we break the value chain.  This applies universally.  There is no racism in this.  What Zuma really means is that he wants people to cut trees well and not to waste.  He wants to find a way to get all people in SA to want to do things well.  He knows that race does not come into this.  He knows that we all need an equal chance and must not be prejudiced by anything but our ability and commitment; this is if he wants to maximize the value chain and get taxes for educating our people.

Yes, Zuma really means what is written above, or do the journalists mix up his words?  He wants value creators that do their things well.  This is the only route to radical economic transformation.




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