Economic activity up to now has been pretty straight forward and simple.  In the future, as we grow to realise what it really is and means, we will want to do it a whole lot more consciously. Economic activity is currently wild in the sense that it is driven by cravings of all sorts that originate in the lower nature of human beings.  We only do elements of it carefully because of our current approach that involves competition, a deeply selfish concept itself.  If there were no competition, we would not need to do things carefully.  Most modern economic activity, in addition to being very selfish in its foundations, causes damage to employees, customers, competitors, suppliers, and the environment on a massive scale.  It damages the very fabric of society forcing natural patterns into patterns that demand unnatural working hours, family segregation, chasing money not health, and relationships that influence ones income not ones moral fibre.  These current realities will run up against challenges, that we already see.  They will require a rethink and an economy of the future will arise.

We rely on nature products in all economic activities.  There is no manufactured product that is not dependent on nature for its origin.  There is also no service product that is of any use without manufactured products being involved.  Up until now, nature has continued to function reliably in the background.  It is, however, under severe stress now.  In the past, nature gave us clean water, today we have to clean even the water we drink.  It gave us natural resources like coal, oil gas, iron ore, copper, gold, diamonds, fish, cows, chickens, pigs, grain, and so on. Massive amounts of economic activities arose from the mining and processing of ores.  Many people became wealthy, built power bases for themselves based on obtaining certain rights over natural resources belonging to the people of the earth – now suddenly belonging to individuals?  They arranged more rights to suit the economy of the time.  They cared for themselves.  Waste was checked by competition up to a point.

During this whole era spanning largely the past 300 years, power has shifted from the churches to the businessmen.  People want to ‘make money’ so that they can buy themselves out of accountability and into ‘eternal earthly life’ in the eyes of ‘Men’.  On the other hand, in their frantic search for greatness in economic terms, they have had to refine their skills, hone their thinking, learn more concepts, practice patience, diligence, courage of a certain quality and so on.  There is no doubt that the internal combustion engine, electricity, and the source code used in modern computing, are such significant combinations of concepts, and will stay with Mankind’s destiny for ever.  We have been given clues to the potential of our real humanity through these.  There are of course so many more indicators of this including guns, hand grenades, pencils, watches… We will need all this going forward, but with a dose of selflessness added.

As the excesses of the economic activity briefly described above come home to roost, we are going to have to let go of some of the false concepts contained in the way that we have done things up to now and find more truthful and sustainable concepts for the future.  Mankind, as long as we are physical by nature, will require goods and services and therefore we will be surrounded by economic activity in our social life.  We will discover that we will let go of the notion that ‘I am in business to make money for myself’.  This will be replaced by the thought that I am doing something for others and others are doing something for me.  I will do my part really well for the sake of keeping the cost down for them.  I will want the same from them.  They will let me get a fair price, as will I for them.  We will see that economic activity is therefore about true Brotherhood each of us doing something for others, and doing it really well.  We will all care about the environment because we know that we rely on nature to provide what we need as the foundations for all economic activity and that there are certain resources that we will not have in the future as we will use some of them up.  Economic activity will also lose from its core the desire to make things that people might want but don’t need.  There simply won’t be the room within the greater society for people to be allowed to waste the precious resources of nature in the future, or for that matter to waste the dignity and divinity of individuals within the societies of the future.  There will be a lot more mutual respect for the dignity and divinity in others than there is today.  Once we have hurt ourselves enough through our gross self-indulgence and irreverence for our true beingness, we will approach life differently, our concepts will re-prioritise.

Future economy will be accompanied by people that know that they are in the economic sphere within a society on the condition that they produce Relevant products efficiently on behalf of the rest of society.  There will be others that teach, educate and care for people young and old.  There will be still others that create and manage the fairness rules and apply these equally to all.  While the economically active sphere will carry the burden of taxes and funding the others, they will not have the rights to rape and pillage them economically.  They will want their own children also to get the best education and will be happy to pay for this resource within society.  They will feel the same for the legal justice system.  The teachers will want the best people for the economic sphere too.

Businesses of the future will have to find ways to become super relevant and super efficient.  Building them on much purer and sounder concepts like the Fourfold picture of Man will become essential.  I have spoken about this modality in various places including in a summary table in a recent article.

This economy of the future is only a shift in conceptual priorities.  That means it could be far if we want to make it difficult for ourselves.




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