The Race
We’re all gathered here today.
They’re almost ready.
And away they go.
They all have the vehicle
and the directions to make it.
It’s been a long learning
And memorizing process.
The trainers monitor and watch.
The race progresses.
The excitement builds.
Attractions, diversions draw more.
The end goal fades
During this long event.
The participants form teams
To deal with the way.
The hope for the end
Gets lost in the day.
The trainers they watch
As the circles begin
Hoping and praying
Their memory will sing.
They’ve marked with their tracks
The path of their journey,
But these that they followed
The damage has caused.
Awakened they wonder
The cause of their deeds
And begin to desire
Their future to ponder.
The trainers they see
The path is now sure.
The participants are conscious
Of the earlier allure.
And so it is
That race is won
The participants have found
Their hidden Sun.
The next event will surely be
Organized by those
Conscious of Me.
David Wertheim Aymes