The Iron Filings Imagination
Parking bay lines and where Humanity is Today
Just on the other side of the manned gate entrance as one drives in at our offices we have a parking area for both visitors, customers, suppliers and staff. The area is somewhat rectangular one could say with the entrance in the middle of the long edge of the...
Water is to Life as Concepts are to Change
Below is an extract from the novel by André Brink called Praying Mantis. Chapter 5 Pomegranates and Quinces An extract from ‘Praying Mantis’ by André Brink One day, when Cupido has more or less recovered, he is sent with a basket of pomegranates to the neighbouring...
Spiritual Prisons – how they come about and what effect they have.
A physical prison is a place where we are physically restricted, cannot move freely when and where we want to, are bound by the rules of others, where we are forced to be subservient at least outwardly. One generally finds oneself here because of a lack of personal...
The burden of Africa versus the burden of the West
I was riding my bike with Nkosi up Krugersdorp Hill this morning when we came across some Africans scouring the bush on the upper side. We stopped to see what they were doing and saw that they, about 6 people, were breaking what appeared to be dead wood off the...
Dear G, Thank you for the questions. While reading it, the concepts I use will challenge your soul that thinks it has a sound place already. Try to allow your soul to accept my concepts, just for an exercise. Try read it a couple of times if necessary. The exercise...
Another view on the Corona virus – COVID-19
When someone has either luck or bad luck of a more sustained, ongoing form, we often refer to God’s influence in the situation. The same applies to births and deaths. In all these rather severe cases, we are still able to incorporate a God into our feelings. These...
The Practical Value of Spiritual concepts in daily life
Object cognition is when we link appropriate concepts to an object through our thinking and experience and then as a consequence we understand the object. An example of this would be taking a nail, looking at the object of the nail, connecting relevant concepts, or...
Schools in relation to the Threefold concept
The Missing Linc in today’s world is that modern people do not see the impact of their very own thinking on how the world functions and how it looks. To spell linc correctly, one needs to add ‘I’ to the ‘c’ to make it a ‘k’. In the same way, to change things in the...
A Parable of our Human Significance?
Water in its chemical form is described as H₂O. This means that when two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom bond together a water molecule is formed. There are given physical and chemical concepts as to why two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom combine and how the...