During this time of forced estrangement of economy-oriented people from their material capital – or, in other words, business owners and staff being forcibly separated from their businesses – many of these economic activities have run out of cash. In the economic sphere one can make losses several times and survive, but only run out of cash once to fail. Cash is the life blood in the economic sphere. There are many surviving economic activities as well, generally those that were more cautious and stored cash reserves in some form prior to the Covid19 separation scenario.
A key aim of any society post Covid19 is to keep the economic activity functioning so that teaching, research, religion and art can continue to nurture the inner nature of humanity through taxes, as well as to be able to fund the whole legal-justice system. The economic sphere also provides for the material needs of humanity and is essential here also. Even the extreme Greens wear clothes, use pens and paper, and eat. Please take note that greed in the economic sphere is alien to the economic sphere in principle as greed fails to serve others. Nonetheless, sharpness and competence in producing relevant products efficiently require uncompromising commitment to all products and services in the economic sphere. Nowhere here are we asking for self-interest or self-indulgence. Being relevant to others is clearly a service, a servant-oriented approach. Being efficient demands skills, experience, objectivity, clarity, and more. These are all soul competencies that are building blocks of our ultimate striving for understanding. There is no danger in these aspects when they are seen as the foundations of a viable economic sphere, which they indeed are.
Having made this point above, let’s get back to the reality that there are those economic activities, businesses, that have survived and those that have failed or are failing. In South Africa (SA) it is estimated that around 2,5million more people are now unemployed, and this on top of the 28% unemployment rate prior to Covid19. One would think that it would be a good idea to find a way to keep as many of the previous ‘employers’ alive and well going forward.
Let’s imagine a State where we have a conceptual base, driven from the worldwide Unitary State concept, that consists of the following core concepts as they relate to economy:
- Business is not dependent on inner competence including skills and experience, selflessness, courage, care and more; and
- Business needs certain race groups to get certain rights so that they don’t have to be relevant and efficient when in business; and
- Thriving economic activities should be burdened by being forced to carry certain race makeups as opposed to certain human competence makeup; and
- The enforcement of the labour laws is outside the capacity of the State so they allow violence and destruction of economic activities through their agents to assist them; and
- The regulations designed to manage honesty and clarity of business people are first world, and very complex for entry level entrepreneurs.
On the basis of these concepts put forward to exist in this imaginary State, and being a competent economic activity having survived Covid19’s forced separation and being prepared to buy an ailing economic activity to keep it going and retain jobs, taxes and so on, what would one be buying in an existing business or economic activity? Let’s assume that the core business has the sound basics from an infrastructure and product point of view, as well as these products being relevant. The assets might be a bit neglected, the place untidy, and the staff a bit demotivated. The buyer would be able to deal with this because they know the business as it is the same as theirs in principle. The buyer might be able to fund working capital through its borrowing capacity, add sharpness to direct variable expenses by reducing waste and increasing operator skills and more. Economically, this business would not be a problem to correct for the competent buyer of any race.
The problem arises in that the vast majority of staff, as a consequence of the value systems managed and watered by this State, are prepared to wreck the business physically through violence if needs be, demand that the status quo as regards working conditions remain the same going forward despite the imminent loss of jobs. Any proper entrepreneur of any race would be able to solve the economic issues of this business, but never the ingrained rights issues inherent in the staff following years of dominance of the concepts expressed above in the bullet points. The new owner would have to run this economic activity with people fixated on being relevant to the business because of their race or rights rather than economy-linked relevance. This approach would simply kill economy as staff have too much of their ‘worth’, as seen by themselves, in the wrong sphere. If the existing staff would not be so inclined with this rights-oriented entitlement, the new owner might be able to get agreement on the need for employment based on skill, experience, courage, care, selflessness, openness, diligence and more. The ‘takeover’ would likely be a success if this were possible and many people would retain their jobs, taxes would be paid, training would take place, skills and experience developed and more.
In summary, broken concepts originating from within the Unitary State concept, leads to conceptual bankruptcy and hence the mixing of Rights, Humanity and Economic sphere concepts. In a State where economic activity might have thrived under different concepts, it is clear that it would be killed if the scenario painted above were real.