With our hands we use an established alphabet to form words into phrases, sentences, paragraphs and more. Each word is commonly understood and is defined in a dictionary. We know the difference between nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, adverbs, pronouns and so on. If the word G O A T (goat) is spelt out we know that it is a noun and expresses a beast we know as a goat. We use the above concept of writing using a formulated language to communicate concepts and situations amongst ourselves. We write to each other also using our handwriting. We can type these days, but I want to stick with handwriting for good reason in this article.
If there is any dispute between people in what is handwritten, for example in contracts or agreements, we go back to dictionaries and everyday meanings of words. An interpretation is made and we judge the situation from this interpretation. The decision is based on what was actually written and the context in which it was written. Once written, the words stay this way, they don’t change. They don’t morph into something different – other than by design or fraud.
So then what is footwriting? What a ridiculous concept? Maybe not.
Footwriting is where our feet take us in life and what we do with our lives. Our footwriting is what we write into the world during our lives. It is often summarised very clearly at our funerals in the form of eulogies. We were kind, loving, disobeyed traffic speeding regulations, loved our food and knew the football league inside out. These are examples of what it means to write and read footwriting. Footwriting is written over longer periods of time in big letters and few words. Every single person writes in this way. The reading of this is more difficult than the reading of handwriting.
Footwriting is not as yet a common art and accepted form of writing and reading. We think we are reading footwriting when we judge others, but this is like reading handwriting while having the capacity to change the words and order as one pleases. In this process we rewrite what is intended to suit our own prejudices. We are not open or objective in allowing ourselves to read this way.
Just like handwriting, footwriting is objectively written and means exactly what has been footwritten. In order to read footwriting, we need the same patience, objectivity, openness, clarity and so on to read it as we do for handwriting. At funerals, this normally happens because the situation is now non-threatening. The eulogies from the various people often read exactly the same into the footwriting of the deceased as they would read into a handwritten paragraph in the daily newspaper.
We don’t have to wait until a person dies to read the footwriting. If we wish to read it, we need to learn to read the actual manifestations of a person’s footwriting and not allow ourselves to colour it in any way. What a person writes with their feet, just like handwriting in language, does not change. It is written and stays that way. Our challenge is to read it as it is just like we do handwriting. When we read footwriting we are not doing it to judge the individual but to understand their role within a societal context.
As an individual in the World we can wonder why each person writes what they do with their feet. We cannot judge why they write their specific story. This is all in the sphere of destiny and karma, past and future. We are all branches of the spiritual vine and face the same reality in this. We cannot judge this. We can however read what we ourselves are footwriting as well as what others are footwriting and make a discernment from this as to what impact this person has on the whole – mind you, read your own footwriting first and refrain from judging the individual.
Finally, in a person’s handwriting, we can also read the footwriting. The way the handwritten letters of each of us pass through our hands onto the paper in our individual form is also our footwriting. Some write in big round letters that are slanted in a particular direction or wave about in different directions. The letters and language of handwriting remain in these writings, but the footwriting is also legible in handwriting in the form and content that the handwriting expresses. Footwriting is just as factual and objectively written as handwriting. We all write footwriting every day of our earthly lives. It can be read when we are self-disciplined, open, objective, patient, clear, diligent, and caring. We are better off recognising footwriting as a concept and developing our capacities to read it, especially our own. From this we will know what the content of our eulogies will be.
While you have read my handwriting above, you can also read my footwriting.