MPAM Table
The black print is what is on earth and can be seen physically. The red print is what is spirit and cannot be seen with earthly eyes. There is a ‘leap’ in capacity between each Kingdom.
Minerals are as defined in the Periodic Table. They obey the laws of the physical sciences. They are present in all Four Kingdoms. They are the material foundation of our existence.
Minerals are what we currently understand and are masters of. They remain in the form and orientation that we place them in, without objection, whether we ask something sound, unsound, ‘cheap’ or beautiful. Because of this, they are real servants to us and form the basis of any structure; road, dam, bus or other. If we get the mineral form of any of these correct, they serve us better. Getting the mineral right the first time is much cheaper than asking them to do an impossible task becasue of incompetence or laziness on our part. Designing bridges properly and building them to this design would be an example.
Animals are more than plants in that they are minerals taken into a living process that now can move, have instinct and can learn from likes and dislikes. They cannot change themselves consciously in any way. They are ‘hard-wired’ to be exactly what they are.
Mankind can design the links and influence, the balance, between the mineral, the plant and the animal in his social endeavour of whatever kind. We can choose to let the mineral structure dominate what is possible as a social activity as in a school that becomes a prison becasue of the structure of the buildings, or one can let the processes dominate the character as in modern banks, leaving their character as undesirable, and so on. We can become conscious of these relationships as they exist in us as a working totality or we can ignore them.
In summary, God’s territory is nature consisting of minerals, plants and animals. When it comes to Mankind, we are just loosened a bit from this. Herein lies the challenge. We can choose to practice and understand these Godlike relationships as represented in the table above and clarified a little within the descriptions above. In doing so, we will form our own souls into postive, transformative, harmonising hands to which the angelic world can link and work. The very individual activity of practising this inner orientation in our daily lives to the MPAM concept, can be our own path to a clean and pure soul logic. It also leads to very effective and workable solutions in the practical social life.