by David Wertheim Aymes | Sep 28, 2023 | Linking Spheres: How do they all Connect?
The aim of this article is to link the Economy sphere and the Liberty sphere correctly by, in a sense, seeing them as separate conceptually.
by David Wertheim Aymes | Jun 19, 2023 | Liberty: Human Development in the Business Environment
MPAM Table The black print is what is on earth and can be seen physically. The red print is what is spirit and cannot be seen with earthly eyes. There is a ‘leap’ in capacity between each Kingdom. Minerals are as defined in the Periodic Table. They obey the laws of...
by David Wertheim Aymes | Jun 13, 2023 | Equality
Governments around the World are generally singular in nature. There are not two governments or three governments in a country but rather only single Unitary States or centralised Governments. This is a limit that we have placed on ourselves in our thinking as...
by David Wertheim Aymes | Jun 13, 2023 | Liberty
Opinion versus Truth Part 1 Is there such a thing as Truth? Why is it the modern way to skirt Truth in favour of ‘each may have his or her opinion’? Is the modern paradigm, ‘there is no Truth, rather only opinion, or, each one’s ‘truth’? Let us examine this. Truth...
by David Wertheim Aymes | May 28, 2023 | Linking Spheres: How do they all Connect?
The Balance Beam Parable for Threefold realization The Balance Beam Parable for Threefold realization The story behind the reHJon balance beam goes like this. We wanted to measure our business by adjusting our old conventional measures to measures that would encourage...